we're never gonna survive....

unless we get a little crazy...

Monday 19 December 2011

C.L. Anemone

Love you Louboutin. <3


I'm the gingerbread man..

I'm very much looking forward to getting out the cinnamon, the ginger, the sugar, the butter and not to forget the enormous amount of lollies that go with it. Yes! That's right! It's gingerbread house assembling time. At this time of year I am always looking for inspiration on how to design my house.. what sweets should I use on the roof? Will I stay with the same template? Do I go stained glass windows this year or just piped? Am I going to make small gingerbread men to live in my small gingerbread house? But while googling away I continuously find myself greatly distracted by these life size gingerbread houses that people concoct. Check them out....

Honestly I always end up having an hysterical cry about my small 20cm walls collapsing while I'm trying to ice them together, imagine making your house life size! I'd probably need serious counceling. 
Anyway here are two images that have inspired me this christmas.. to go ultra mini or not? 


I say Verity you say Verité

In awe of the..
Verité Clutch. 


Friday 9 December 2011

The Baggier The Better.

Must.Need.Want.BAGGY T-SHIRTS! Can't.Live.Without.Them...........

Sunday 4 December 2011

Becky Look At Her Bun..

Can not describe how happy I am about the fact that the classic 'bun' is back in fashion. 20 years of practise has paid off..

That green stuff..

All I want is....

A Herb Garden.

Jean. x