we're never gonna survive....

unless we get a little crazy...

Monday 19 December 2011

C.L. Anemone

Love you Louboutin. <3


I'm the gingerbread man..

I'm very much looking forward to getting out the cinnamon, the ginger, the sugar, the butter and not to forget the enormous amount of lollies that go with it. Yes! That's right! It's gingerbread house assembling time. At this time of year I am always looking for inspiration on how to design my house.. what sweets should I use on the roof? Will I stay with the same template? Do I go stained glass windows this year or just piped? Am I going to make small gingerbread men to live in my small gingerbread house? But while googling away I continuously find myself greatly distracted by these life size gingerbread houses that people concoct. Check them out....

Honestly I always end up having an hysterical cry about my small 20cm walls collapsing while I'm trying to ice them together, imagine making your house life size! I'd probably need serious counceling. 
Anyway here are two images that have inspired me this christmas.. to go ultra mini or not? 


I say Verity you say Verité

In awe of the..
Verité Clutch. 


Friday 9 December 2011

The Baggier The Better.

Must.Need.Want.BAGGY T-SHIRTS! Can't.Live.Without.Them...........

Sunday 4 December 2011

Becky Look At Her Bun..

Can not describe how happy I am about the fact that the classic 'bun' is back in fashion. 20 years of practise has paid off..

That green stuff..

All I want is....

A Herb Garden.

Jean. x

Tuesday 25 October 2011


is it better to let you go or is it better to let you know...


Be kinder than necessary.
Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Be kinder than
necessary. Everyone you
meet is fighting some
kind of battle...
Be kinder than necessary.
Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Taking photos of different wallpapers I find.......

Everybody needs more wallpaper in their lives.

Jean x

Monday 26 September 2011

Looking forward to summer.....

Ice Tea
Warm Skin
Coconut Oil
Beach Dresses
Summer Fruit
Ice Cream
Balmy Nights
Beach Hair
Shell Picking
Teeny Bikini's
Flower Smelling
Lazy Afternoons

Sunday 25 September 2011

Beautiful Words

1. Let yourself fall apart emotionally
2. Nourish yourself
3. Ask a friend for help and a hug
4. Take a long walk outside in the sun and fresh air
5. Relax with meditation, yoga, hypnosis or simple deep breathing
6. Diffuse the awfulising
7. Forgive yourself and others
8. Remember that "this too shall pass" and the sun will rise again

 Kylie Ryan.

Sunday 14 August 2011


I'm in love with this chair and the beautiful wallpaper....


Naturally Nature

Kate MacDowell sculptures

There's something about these sculptures that are so beautiful. The hand sculpture is so delicate and the leaves seem to be naturally placed, like they're meant to be there. Nothing out of the ordinary. Extremely connected to nature and although a little odd they all very much make sense to me. I'm quite inspired by all three. Kate Macdowell is a US based artist who is extremely passionate about what she does. Check her out.

We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough.  We want something else which can hardly be put into words--to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. – C.S. Lewis.


Monday 8 August 2011

An Old Dreaded Friend

I'm reading this book Sweet Poison which is all about the poisonous fructose!! Although I'm only up to the first couple of chapters it's really making me think twice about the food that I'm constantly putting in my mouth. How do we really know what are eating in these packaged foods that we consume on a daily basis. They may say they're 'low in fat', 'lite' and 'low GI' but how close to the original source are these foods? Or is it the equivalent to eating a piece of cardboard (absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever). It doesn't help either that there's a million and one books out there telling us what to eat, when to eat and how to eat. All these books seem to battle one another by blaming that the other is wrong or that there's no scientific evidence to prove what they are stating. I've always been a big believer that every body is different. Have you ever once stopped to think that not everyone can use the same shampoo and condition or the same face products? I think this also coincides with your digestive system. Some foods work for others and some foods simply don't agree at all. And this is where the intolerance factor becomes a part of it. I believe we need to eat as close as possible to the natural source while obtaining a moderate amount of proteins, carbohydrates, good fats etc. We need to enjoy our food. Enjoy being healthy and feeding our bodies nutritious food so that we can get the most out of our ourselves and live wonderful healthy lives.

Whether I cut out all fructose or not.... Well lets say I'll get back to you after I've read the book...


Friday 5 August 2011

Monday 1 August 2011

The Case Of The Mysterious Bobby Pin

Hundreds of dollars have probably gone in to purchasing these oddly shaped tricks. All I want is to be able to find at least one bobby pin during the madness of my mornings in my dark wintery room. Just one, so I'm able to get my hair in to some sought of appropriate and unoffending order........


Sunday 31 July 2011

For The Love of Ballet

Photo: Tim Richardson

To start off this blog I wanted to share my love for Ballet. It's my first and honest love. The thrill, the tears, the satisfaction, the pain killers and the sweat are what makes up this undeniably strong bond that I have with this art form. It's a passion and a never ending one at that....

Dancing is the poetry of the foot - John Dryden

When you dance, you don't sweat, you glow - Didi 

He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor - Hindu proverb 

Even the ears must dance - Natalie Makarova 

Plie is the first thing you learn and the last thing you master - Suzanne Farrell

Jean x